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Pain heals. Chicks dig scars. Glory... lasts forever.

I'm having a good month.  Despite the haters and naysayers, my Baltimore Ravens are going to the Superbowl.  This is after stomping on the Colts & their fancy, new, young quarterback (insert "Luck" joke here); after coming back to win against Denver in probably the best football game I've ever seen in my adult life (I use "seen" loosely here as I was such a nervous wreck the entire game, I had to listen to it from the other room in a Xanax-induced stupor and send in Wesley for a play-by-play every time I heard cheers from the other room.  That Justin Tucker is an awesome guy*)... then they wrapped the whole thing up by crushing that pretty-boy Tom Brady, even after his sly attempt to kick Ed Reed in the junk.  And even though the refs and the sports commentators seemed anti-Baltimore (don't they always?), we out-gamed the poor Pats and sent them boo-hooing out of the stadium.  I like to think that Tommy Boy went home and sobbed into his wife's cleavage**.

*A devout catholic, Justin used his faith to kick 47-yards in the game against Denver, sending us to the AFC championship game.  See, even God is rooting for the Ravens.

**That's what I'd do.  Wouldn't you?

Mrs. Tom Brady

My prediction for the Superbowl is irrelevant at this point.  I can't speak too much about the 49ers because I'm not that well-versed on all things football and, well, the only thing I know for sure about that team is that they're from San Fran (one of my most favorite places ever) and that the quarterback is one who "runs".  Meaning, rather than standing still and tossing the ball, he actually takes the thing and goes places with it.  That's it.  That's all I got.  And I could look up some information on the team, but I'd rather wait it out with the thought that we will most definitely win because, well, we should.  We've been through a lot and we have the better name***.

***What the hell is a 49er?  Gay. Gay. Gay. Surely they could've come up with a better name for a team.  Even Wesley couldn't make sense of it.  "So the team name is '49ers'?  That's kind of a dumb name, Mom.  It's just a number with 'er' at the end".  True story, buddy. 

I wanted to blog about my recent jaunt to the West coast to see my awesome friend Kristi, but I still need to upload the photos & I feel like I've already gone on and on about football stuff so I will save it for next time.  I will however, post a shameless self-photo so you can see my awesome new hair, courtesy of the squirrel.  It should be noted that I did not go all the way to Portland just to get my hair did... but seeing her for the first time in years and not having her work her magic would just be a waste.  It would be like going to a David Hasselhoff concert and not having my boobs autographed****.

 Fabulous Hair-Did

****don't knock the music till you've given it a chance.  "Looking for Freedom" makes my heart flutter.  For reals.

Until next time, blog reader.  Enjoy your weekend & keep being kind to others.  Unless, of course, they like the Pittsburgh Steelers.


Unknown said...

I DO love the Hoff. :) And you!

Unknown said...
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Jess said...

The Hoff is like a bad car accident... You know it's bad, but you just can't stop staring. Maybe it's the chest hair.

Jess said...

The Hoff is like a bad car accident... You know it's bad, but you just can't stop staring. Maybe it's the chest hair.

About Me

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I'm just a girl with a dream. Actually, that's not true. I'm an old lady and my dreams have pretty much faded away. But, for whatever it's worth, I still feel obligated to go on living. Sometimes I think too much and too long about things that it seems like no one else cares about besides me. I can't decide if this makes me a better person or doomed to live an anxiety riddled exsistence. Somewhere in the midst of all this craziness, I became one of those people who obsesses about her kids. Look at them - wouldn't you be crazy about them if they were yours?