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It is our job to protect the children of the world. For as long as they believe in us, we will guard them with our lives...

Here's something new for y'all:  I'm annoyed.  Yes, yes, I know - I complain like all the time.  It's what I do.  I complain a lot.  I eat a lot.  I roll my eyes a lot.  You can't tell but I'm actually rolling my eyes right now.  And I'm typing this while I'm pooping*.

What am I annoyed by, you ask?  Well for starters, those stupid stick figure families I keep seeing on the back of vehicles.  They're obnoxious.  Sidebar:  Just in case you were wondering, I don't really care what kind of grades your kid is getting in elementary school.  I get that you're a proud mom and everything.  I get that you want total strangers that you are cutting off in traffic to know that you're not a complete failure in the parenting of your child.  No really, I get it.  But it's annoying.  Secondly, I don't really care that you'd rather be golfing.  I wish you were, in fact, golfing - instead of clogging up my lane on 95 and thirdly, I don't *really* need to know how many people are in your family (including your dog and or cat).  I mean, what about a pet turtle?  Is there a pet turtle stick figure?  Or a fish?  I've also never seen a stick figure in a wheelchair.  Plus, lets be honest - most people in this country are fat.  Stick figures?  Seems a bit ironic, no?  Here, for reference:

Stick figures that got left out.  Don't judge me.  It's been a long day.

I mean, what about my Uncle Jim, who has one short arm that has a tiny hand growing out of it?  Or what if there's a dead person in the family?  I think that they should have a spot too.  To be fair, I should mention that I don't really have an Uncle Jim with a short arm (please don't go all politically correct on me and rant about how wrong it is to make fun of people with disabilities.  I know it's mean.  I'm a mean person.  If you haven't gathered that by now reading this blog, you are both clueless and annoying.)  Secondly, I have not (at least not yet) googled these stick figure items to see if they actually exist.  They might.  But I haven't seen them on any cars in the Baltimore Metro area, and frankly it annoys me.  Which is the topic of this here blog, and every blog.  Things that annoy Jess. 

In case you care, I started doing a semi-Paleo diet.  I know what you're thinking.  You're probably saying to yourself "first it was weight watchers and then juicing, now it's the Paleo diet.  What's next?  Nothing but grapefruits & cabbage soup (gross)?".  I change my eating habits often, it's true.  And I talk about food entirely way too much.  I also have a weird stalker-ish obsession with Johnny Depp - but that's off topic.  Anyway, I've been contemplating all things food related (shocking) and I've decided to wean my children off the SAD (standard American diet) - or as I sometimes shorten it to "McSad" - and want to start introducing them to better eats.  You know because it's better for them and stuff.  I haven't done a hell of a lot of research on Paleo.  I've read enough to know, however, that eating a crap-ton of processed food items filled with fake hormones and chemicals will eventually make you grown an extra ear in the middle of your foreheads**.  I imagine, if we continue to eat in this manner, that our children's children's children may have to endure the effects of all this crapola and I'd rather prepare my bunch for better things.  You get me?  I never thought I'd be *that* mom - sending in homemade organic meat products and cut up veggies, but alas.  I am.  Or at least I will be.  Soon, I hope.  I'm trying to gradually make the switch and figure out what I can get away with.  In the meantime, I'm trying to adapt to this myself.  First, I took away gluten.  Well wait, FIRST - I quit my not-so-secret-but-sorta-secret smoking habit.  Cold turkey.  I don't miss it too much.  That's a lie.  THEN, I quit my coke-zero-pepsi-max habit.  This has actually proved to be much harder than the cigs.  Serious.  If I told you that I haven't had one of these within the week, I'd be straight up lying.  But I'm doing better.  Small steps, y'all.  Small steps.  But the first thing I did with my kids, was start to take away gluten.  I could go on about gluten and why it's not so good here, but I don't feel like it.  If you're so interested in gluten, why don't you just google it yourself?***

So people are all "oooooo, you're on a special diet".  No I'm not.  I hate that.  Special diets are like my surrogate mom who can't have nuts and seeds on account of her diverticulitis**** & this kid I used to babysit who is allergic to a ton of stuff.  What I'm doing is simply changing the way I eat for the better.  And you should to.  No, really, you should.  Before a diet filled with junk makes you disease-ridden & ugly*****. 

I thought I had more to write here, but I have to go now.  It's getting late and I have to cook a three-course meal, knit sweaters for the children & finish this stack of books on French poetry.  Well, more like one course meal.  I'm making meat.  In a crock pot.  Plus, I don't know how to knit. And by French poetry I mean Us Weekly.  Don't judge me.

*Not really.  I don't have a plug in my bathroom and I like to take my time in there.  It's the only peace and quiet I get.  Honest.

**Also, cancer.

***Or you could just assume I always know what I'm talking about.  Which I do.

****It's a long word, I know.  Sound it out.

*****There's no proof bad eating will make you ugly.  You know what will though?  Not commenting.


Anonymous said...

Gonna comment cuz that's who I am and what I do. I find it difficult to hold my tongue - literally. So... in the first part - Bob Dole and his "baby arm" came to mind as a stick figure. I think it was the uncle to which - looking at the stick pic... I thought he was just flipping a bird. LOL! Then I kept reading as the ADD had not kicked in yet. Yeah, No, I don't have ADD - er... at least I haven't given it much thought as other thoughts keep popping in... OK - maybe I am in need of a diagnosis. One diagnosis it diverticulitis. ADD won't stop me from strolling out to the mailbox from here on out - to hunt for my royalties check from THIS blog! Special diet my arse! Funny how the grease from fast foods simply don't affect it at all! Last note... my smoking habit has been put to rest. It's been weeks (over 3 to be exact) and I am clear headed, remembering dreams every frickin night (even when I wish I wasn't) and M says I am just a bit more quick in everything from wit to sarcasm. I only did it because the field I am entering into is contradictory to mental numbness. It's been 28 years, 2 months, 12 days... (how old is he again???) since I have taken the step to quit and this time it was not forced, I wasn't 4 months preggers and had to stop immediately. I am putting my Spirituality first - healthy eating next (like starting the juice fast Saturday) since the 'munchie' cravings have subsided. If you were available to actually spend a little time with me (face to face) you'd have known this already - after all I AM your surrogate mom!!! Talk to ME!

makeshift_26 said...

Ironic that cavemen didn't worry about their diet, but they did have to run like Hell from velociraptor!

Anonymous said...

Haha, I don't like the stick figures either.. why do they discriminate??
Not sure if you know this, but they have Zombie stick figures (saw them at 5 below), they were actually comical .. I could name some other stick figures they should make, but I won't... I'll be nice.

also, eating healthier is a great thing to convert too. I am trying my hardest too... I need to go gluten free due to my recent health findings :( , all that eating healthy is so overwhelming for me, my ADHD kicks in and then I say screw it,.. I just keep saying to myself, a little change each day is better then nothing. My problem, I have no taste for anything, nothing sounds good, or even taste good to me, then it is hard to find things to cook- Grrrr
I have been doing so good with not drinking diet Pepsi .. replaced with water- gone from 1-2 a day to 1 every other day.. can't wait to stop completely or treat myself when out? even out i have order water instead of soda :)
I think you are doing a great job, Jess.

About Me

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I'm just a girl with a dream. Actually, that's not true. I'm an old lady and my dreams have pretty much faded away. But, for whatever it's worth, I still feel obligated to go on living. Sometimes I think too much and too long about things that it seems like no one else cares about besides me. I can't decide if this makes me a better person or doomed to live an anxiety riddled exsistence. Somewhere in the midst of all this craziness, I became one of those people who obsesses about her kids. Look at them - wouldn't you be crazy about them if they were yours?